Thursday, October 13, 2011

Mental Health

October 2011 is Mental Health Month.
Theis picture has 10 tips to stress less. It was sent to me by a multicultural health worker, who suggested we all slow down a bit this month and take time out to enjoy the things we do not pay attention to becasue we are usually too busy. 

Visit the Mental Health Association website for information, facts sheets, etc. The Multicultural Mental Health Australia website has section called Resources and Translations, where you can find many translated texts that you can browse by language. Use them to practise your sight translation and transating skills.

Finally, watch the TED talk video below and practise your note taking interpreting skills. You can check the interactive transcript in English and many other languages on the right-hand side of the video screen. Remember that you can join TED Open Translation Project to volunteer to translate TED videos! Check this for their next TEDxSydney dates.The next post tells you more about TED translating, with an example which has transcripts in many languages, including Spanish, Chinese traditional & simplified, Korean, etc. None in Vietnamese or Indonesian, though, so you have the opportunity to contribute to the spreading of  great ideas by joining the Open Translation Project now!

1 comment:

  1. Can I borrow this picture to share with my community? I think it's very useful.
    Thank you in advance :)
